Urban Point is a savings application designed to help users discover local discounts and offers in Qatar. This app provides access to a range of promotions from various businesses, making it easier for users to save money on everyday expenses. Urban Point is available for the Android platform, allowing users to download the app and start exploring a variety of offers in categories such as food and drink, beauty and health, leisure activities, and retail services.
Upon downloading Urban Point, users can take advantage of thousands of valuable discounts and freebies. The application features a user-friendly interface that allows individuals to quickly find offers nearby or at their favorite locations. The vouchers available within the app are designed to be reused, as they renew on the first day of each month. This means that users can repeatedly redeem their favorite offers, leading to substantial savings over time.
Urban Point is particularly beneficial for Ooredoo customers. Those on Shahry and Qatarna post-paid plans receive a complimentary subscription to the app. To activate this benefit, users must download Urban Point and register using their Ooredoo post-paid phone number. After setting up their account, they can log into the Ooredoo app and navigate to the "Activate Free Benefits" section to access the Urban Point subscription. For those on Ooredoo prepaid plans, access to Urban Point is available for a monthly fee of QAR 15. Non-Ooredoo customers can also enjoy the app by paying a subscription fee via credit card.
The app provides vouchers that can be used by individuals or shared with a friend, allowing for flexibility in how users redeem their offers. Users can expect to find a diverse range of offers, with popular categories including burgers, pizza, coffee, ice cream, and sweets. The most frequented areas for redeeming these offers are located in bustling parts of Doha, such as Al Nasr Street, City Center Mall, Villaggio Mall, Mirqab Mall, Souq Waqif, and other notable hotspots throughout the country.
Urban Point's design ensures that users can easily track their savings. The app includes a “Purchase History” section where individuals can monitor the money they have saved over time. This feature is particularly useful for users who want to see the tangible benefits of utilizing the app for their everyday spending.
New outlet locations are added to the Urban Point app on a monthly basis, offering users fresh opportunities to explore and discover new places. This continuous update ensures that there is always something new to experience, catering to a dynamic user base. The app's offers are valid seven days a week, with minimal exclusions known as "Black Out" days, primarily on public holidays.
The community aspect of Urban Point is also noteworthy, as it brings together smart spenders across Qatar. Users can browse offers by popular categories or personalized interests, making it easier to find what they want. The app promotes a culture of saving, encouraging individuals to take advantage of the numerous discounts available to them.
In addition to its practical features, Urban Point emphasizes simplicity and enjoyment in the process of discovering savings. The application is designed to make it easy for users to explore nearby offers, encouraging spontaneous visits to local businesses. This approach not only benefits users financially but also supports local enterprises by driving traffic and customers to their establishments.
Urban Point is an effective tool for anyone looking to manage their expenses while enjoying the diverse offerings of Qatar. With its extensive range of discounts, user-friendly interface, and commitment to renew offers monthly, the app stands out as a valuable resource for saving money.
The application is designed to accommodate both casual users and those who frequently seek out new deals, making it a versatile addition to anyone's financial toolkit. As users continue to engage with Urban Point, they can expect to discover new outlets and offers that enhance their experiences in Qatar.
Urban Point provides a unique solution for smart spending, combining the thrill of discovery with practical savings. By joining the community of Urban Point users, individuals can maximize their financial benefits while exploring everything Qatar has to offer.
Urban Point is more than just an app; it is a gateway to discovering local deals and enjoying the benefits of being a savvy spender in Qatar.